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CHPNZ News – April 2024

It has been a busy few months since our last update.

The Pseudoephedrine Bill (PSE) has moved at breakneck speed and Executive Director Scott Milne did an excellent job on behalf of the membership for both written and oral submissions to Parliament’s Health Select Committee.

Therapeutics Products Act to be repealed

With the industry still awaiting more information on the repeal to the Therapeutic Products Act 2023 and the content of its likely replacement, CHPNZ has reached out to the Associate Health Minister in charge of the new legislation, Hon Casey Costello, looking forward to meeting with her in the coming month.  As part of the coalition government’s 100-day plan, work on the appeal of the Act has begun. 

Briefing the New Associate Minister of Health

In the new National-led coalition government, Act Party Leader and Epsom MP Hon David Seymour also holds an Associate Minister of Health portfolio.  His specific responsibilities are Pharmac and Medsafe and, after reading CHPNZ’s Briefing to the Incoming Minister, invited CE Scott Milne and Chair Abs Saadi to his Parliamentary Office at the Beehive to meet with him and officials to hear the advice and concerns of CHPNZ’s membership.